Well summarized article on Python by: Snehith Kumbla https://www.cuelogic.com/blog/python-in-finance-analytics-artificial-intelligence When you read the following article you will understand why starting to learn Python would be a great career choice. Python seems to be everywhere and it will soon be like "English Language" of programming. Start by taking a Python course at Tirana Center of Technology or online.
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Tirana Center of Technology (TCT) offers a full package of IT courses. IT professions are some of the most needed jobs in Albania and in the world. The best part of being in IT is that the skills you gain in Albania can be used worldwide, and to achieve this, TCT offers a package that starts from the very beginning and teaches the students to be able to thrive in their work space. This package begins from the first level: 1. C++, Python I, JAVA I, or Front End development I…
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Programming Training To become a programmer asks for a lot of work, a lot of time in groups and in a lab. It is always better when there is an instructor who is guiding the student along the road to becoming a programmer, but not because it is impossible to learn by oneself. Tirana Center of Technology offers programming courses based on C++, JAVA, (database) MS SQL Server, ASP.NET; all of these courses last nine weeks and focus only on the practice. Instructors have worked in various lines of work,…
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Computer Networks (Cisco Switches & Routers) CISCO Inc's article, translated by Tirana Center of Technology (it.tct.al). A center operating in Tirana that offers professional courses/trainings around Cisco's switches and routers. (An article based on computer networks) Base of computer networking When we start to learn about computer networking, understanding how switches and routers work is the first step. Networks function, connecting computers with other devices such as switches and routers. Switches and routers make communication between connected devices on one network or different networks possible or. Routers and switches have different…
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Between the programming and economic world...? What does it mean to be a programmer? You will work 7-10 hours in a day, programming in WEB Development languages like ASP.NET, JAVA, PHP, RUBY etc, knowing also database in which is found each web application. Usually, approximately 2 years of programming (in school, training courses, self-teaching, internship or work) is required to be called an independent programmer. Therefore, this is not a small learning curve. If you see yourself wanting to become a programmer, it is good to start as…
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What is most important to you? What have you done to reach your objectives in the past year? Would you put the fate of your career upon someone else and wait? In most systems we are just a number. Would you sit idly, simply waiting to blame the system? How many times have you done only the minimum? Again waiting, do you feel at rest? Would you trade your education for a happier life? IMPORTANT: If you are happy in your job, you will be happy in life. Is happiness greater…
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