PC Diagnostics (9 week training (45 hr)) teaches how to fix computers – both hardware and computer operating system. Start your career as IT specialist.
Who is this course offered to?
This is offered to all who are interested in starting a career in information technology. The PC Diagnostics Course contains the basic knowledge from the very base knowledge that anyone wanting a career in IT needs to master
Didn’t get into the IT branch that you wanted in university? Through this course, you can begin repariing computers as a technician at a computer service position.
Computer repair is one of the most common tasks necessary to do in a business today. At TCT, we learn to do this through practice. Two steps are followed to properly service a computer: 1) Diagnostics (of the defective part), 2) Replacing this faulty part.
***If you start this course before you enter your university, you will be one step ahead of everyone else***
What jobs will I qualify for?
IT technician or computer maintenance in private companies or state institutions. Computer technician at computer service point.
Are there pre-requisites?
No. This course begins from square one, allowing you to come in with no knowledge of the topic.
Ju falnderojme shume per punen qe
beni,ju jepni shume mundesira
njerzeve te mesojne teknollogjin
kompjuterike dhe te internetit.
Faleminderit Kujtim,
besojme qe nese cdo njeri nga ne do bej dicka te paqme vendi yne do
behet nje vend me i mire.
Faleminderit Kujtim!
Per riparim telefonash
Zhvillohet ndonje kurs
Jo nuk kemi kurs per riparim telefonash.
Ku mund te interesohemi për
Endri Pershendetje,
tarifat jane:
1. Diagnostikim / Riparim PC eshte 20.000 Lek te reja
2. Te gjitha kurset e tjera jane 30.000 Lek te reja
(Pagesat behem me dy keste)