IT & Programming Courses Practical IT & Programming Courses in Tirana and Online. Training held by instructors with 5+ years of in the field experience, in modern fully equipped laboratories. Tue, 03 Dec 2024 09:13:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 IT & Programming Courses 32 32 194781194 Partner companies Sat, 17 Jun 2023 17:03:57 +0000 Since 2015 Tirana Center of Technology continues to prepare young students in IT, programming, data & design. It is our duty to close the gap between universities and the job market. Companies operating in Information Technology accept our students on internship or direct hire. We always recommend students who have completed two or three course levels in a single profession.


Our trainings include:

  • IT: PC diagnostics & administration, Cisco Network Administration (CCNA), Linux Server Administration, Windows Server Administration, DevOps.
  • Frontend development: Html, Css, JavaScript, ReactJS
  • Backend development: JAVA Spring web api, web api, PHP Laravel
  • Data: SQL, Python basic & intermediate, R language, PowerBi, MS Excel advanced
  • Web design: WordPress, digital marketing, google ads & analytics
  • Graphic design: Adobe photoshop, illustrator, & indesign, 3D modeling
  • Other: Quality Assurance (ISTQB), Microsoft Office package

Contact us! If your company’s culture believes in hiring young professionals, eager to learn and grow, to be part of your existing team. Growing your staff within teaches new staff culture and work habits.

Our students are young men and women with strong will and dedicated to learning. They are parallel learning from universities, professional training courses, online videos and books, blogs, & projects.

Also, check the “Our partners” section on the home page for some of the companies we work with.

We promise to recommend only the best, not only as professionals but also as dissent human beings.

Graphic Design 3D modelling Mon, 01 May 2023 12:40:22 +0000 3D images are replacing 2D images (flat images) in all industries around the world. Especially in marketing, 3D graphics convey a deeper, more realistic image, bringing the product to life and increasing sales. 3D images have are also present in engineering industries because 3D images are more detailed and create a real life demonstration.

Start a training in graphic design 3D modeling physically or live online and add your skills to the world of graphics, whose skills are always in demand. The visual industry today and in the future is being built on the computer and less on the reality. The skills you will gain in 3D modeling will open up various opportunities in online media and professional advertising.

Duration 9 weeks, full in practice, twice a week for two and a half hours,  At the end, equip yourself with the “3D Modeling” certificate.

Why learn JAVA Programming Sat, 28 May 2022 12:59:42 +0000 Learn JAVA programming at Tirana Center of Technology with experienced instructors, senior developers, based on proven curriculums efficient for practical training. Java programming training would assist developers on finding their first job or internship position without too much trouble. Java programming is simple and a mainstream language. Once you learn JAVA, you could easily continue programming in languages based on JAVA like Kotlin or JAVA platforms like Spring, Vaadin, Hibernate.

By learning JAVA programming it would open many possibilities as Java Web Developer, Java Api Developer, Java Drivers etc. The Java programming language is taught around the world and it is a language which leads all other backend languages based on the number of projects in Github.

Bilanc Sun, 06 Mar 2022 10:35:09 +0000 1486 Why Learn Python Programming Mon, 13 May 2019 20:07:42 +0000 Well summarized article on Python by: Snehith Kumbla

When you read the following article you will understand why starting to learn Python would be a great career choice. Python seems to be everywhere and it will soon be like “English Language” of programming.


Start by taking a Python course at Tirana Center of Technology or online.


ALBtelecom Sun, 10 Feb 2019 21:56:18 +0000 1238 We Coordinate, Train, Support Sun, 23 Dec 2018 22:05:18 +0000 1227 Albanian Satellite Communication Thu, 26 Jul 2018 20:55:12 +0000 1117 ABCOM – Albanian Broadband Communication Thu, 26 Jul 2018 20:52:24 +0000 1113 Reasons companies to train their staff Tue, 08 Aug 2017 17:10:17 +0000 Reasons for employee training and development

The training and development of an employee or a group of employees can be started for a number of reasons, for example:

1. When you start to judge/evaluate performance, improvement is necessary.
2. To evaluate the improvement you have made during the effort to improve.
3. As part of a program for professional development.
4. To test the performance of a new administration system.
5. To be trained for a specific topic.


The most common topics for employee training.

1. Communication.-A variety of jobs nowadays also brings a variety of languages ​​and customs.

2. Computer Skills.- Computer skills are necessary to manage administrative work in offices.

3. Customer service.- The increase in competition in the world market makes it difficult for employees to understand the customer’s needs.

4. Diversity.- Diversity training has to do with explaining how people have different points of view and perspectives, as well as includes techniques to value diversity.

5. Ethics.- Today’s society has an increase in expectations for social responsibility. Also, the variety of jobs nowadays brings a variety of values ​​and morals for the workplace.

6. Human Relations.- Increased stress in the workplace can include misunderstandings and conflicts. Training makes people do well in the workplace.

7. Safety.- Safety training is important when working with heavy equipment, dangerous chemicals, etc., but it may also be necessary to avoid abuses, etc.

8. Sexual Harassment.- Training for sexual harassment includes a careful description of the organization’s rules for sexual harassment, especially for inappropriate behavior.


Benefits from Employee Training and Development

Online there are many sources of information for training and development. Many of these sites (listed below) suggest tips for supervisors to manage training through employees. These tips include:

>Increasing satisfaction and morale among employees.
>Increasing employee motivation.
>Increasing efficiency in processes results in financial profit.
> Increasing the capacity to adapt to new technologies and methods.
>Increasing innovations for strategies and products.
>Decreasing the number of employees who leave to be replaced by new ones.
>Increasing the image of the company, eg, manage ethics through training.
>Risk management, eg sexual harassment training, diversity training.

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