Base programming that is taught at TCT of C++ (9 week training (45 hours)), Python, PHP and JAVA (9 week training (45 hours)), powerful languages that revolve around Object Oriented Programming (OOP).
First Level – C++, Python, PHP or JAVA Beginner Programming
At TCT you can start programming beginner level in C++, Python or JAVA beginner, and PHP. Most programming concepts are introduced at beginner level, including variables, conditions, loops, tables, files, functions, memory allocation, structures, classes (public and private), inheritance and templates.
Every university-level programmer should begin their learning in this language and continue their understanding of this language to the highest proficiency.
Second Level – JAVA Programming
In the JAVA programming course, 9 weeks of JAVA OOP . JAVA EE is one of the most sought-after languages in the workplace. Major applications are written in JAVA because of its scalability and simple language management. JAVA is a more abstract language, but is still object-oriented (OOP). It is built with many classes and libraries and pre-made functions. Moreover, all android apps are written in JAVA. At TCT, JAVA is the second level of programming that we teach.
Second Level – C# .Net Web API Programming
In the C#.Net programming course, 9 weeks of C# .Net Web API. C# is a modernized version of C++. Originally you had the language C, which was widely used. C++ came about to add object-orientation to C, and C++ became the language of building “real” applications for Windows (according to the C++ developers.) C++ was used for writing the infrastructure and low-level applications. If you are moving to .NET and you already know C++ or Java, C# is a logical choice. However, if you are undecided about .NET, you might wonder why you’d want to move to C# rather than stick with your COM-based C++.
How do training take place
1. Beginner courses: C++, Python I, JAVA I, Front End I which all start from Zero knowledge.
2. Intertwines practice with explanations of the concepts of the respective courses.
3. Practical laboratory work in each session.
4. Question – answer (instructor – student) about the concepts.
5. Practice for individual learning (self-taught).
6. Final project.
Are there any pre-requisites?
C++ & JAVA beginner programming course have no pre-requisites, it is enough that you want to learn to code.
C#.Net Web API and JAVA level II programming course has pre-requisites: either C++ or JAVA beginner programming course or a basic understanding of the programming taught to an undergraduate student.
I am interested in learning c++
Yes, we have C++ course. The course runs for 45 hours, it is all done hands on and we start this course from zero.
Jam i interesuar per programin e mesimit “C++ dhe JAVA”. Cilat jane oraret qe
mund te zhvillohen kurset?
Sa eshte cmimi?
Une jam i interesuar per pasdite, duke qene se jam ne pune dhe mbaroj ne
oren 17:00.
Pershendetje Retildo,
kurset zgjasin 45 ore, kushtojne 30.000 Lek te reja.. (Pagesa me dy keste).
Kursi zhvillohet vetem ne praktike dhe synojme t’ju bejme gati per tregun e
po kurse ne java enterprise dhe spirng beni?
Po Arlind bejme kursin JAVA EE, por qe duhet te kesh mesuar JAVA Object
Oriented (bazat e JAVA Programing)