C++ & Java

C++ & Java

C++ (9 weeks, twice a week from 2.5 hours) It is also offered Online!

C++ should be the first programming language for every student. From America to Australia, every student at universities are taught C++ as their first language for programming.
C++ has its programming base in Object-Oriented Programming (OOP).
Everything is introduced in C++ including variables, conditions, loops, tables, files, functions, pointers, memory allocation, structures, classes (public and private), inheritance and templates.
Every university-level programmer should begin their learning in this language and continue their understanding of this language to the highest proficiency.
At TCT, C++ is the first level of programming that we teach.

JAVA (9 weeks, twice a week from 2.5 hours) It is also offered Online!

JAVA is one of the most sought-after languages in the workplace. Major applications are written in JAVA because of its scalability and simple language management.
JAVA is a more abstract language, but is still object-oriented (OOP). It is built with many classes and libraries and pre-made functions.
Moreover, all android apps are written in JAVA.
At TCT, we teach JAVA as a second level of programming course difficulty wise.


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