Ten month practical training programs in web development, data analyst, system admin & more will completely build knowledge and experience to become job ready.
In order to start a career in Programming, Data & IT, it is a must to learn and practice non stop at the start of your career and further on. In the 10 month program you will learn fundamental skills of the selected job position, as well as, you will learn many other tools, short cuts, documentation, best practices that belong to an expert and simplify the work.
These medium length study programs aim to fully prepare you for you first job. You will be able to work next to other professionals at work and be a solid asset of the company. At the end of the program you will have gained much practical knowledge while learning in group and guided by our expert instructors. The knowledge, concepts and self confidence gained in our program is un comparable to anything you have tried thus far.
Much of our study programs are practical & hands on work referred to international standards and curricula topics. We always update our curricula and software to match the local and international market demand. Our trainings are held in the evenings, which is easier to dedicate to learning and self advancement. You can join our training online live from anywhere. An important ingredient to learning a profession is your dedication. Dedication is correlated directly with success.
Lastly, time spent learning in a group, with similar young people with good intentions, is an important aspect of training!